Wednesday, September 26, 2012

3 months

Dear Addie Mae,

 I can hardly believe you are already 3 months old.  I love you so much I can hardly stand it.  Your Aunt Andrea always says she just wants to squeeze you and I admit I want to do the same.  You are growing up soooo fast.


right now you love to chew on your fingers.  I think it is a few months premature but I find myself checking your gums everyday to feel for teeth.  You ALWAYS have your fingers, a toy, a blanket, or my fingers in your mouth.

something I love so much is when I am changing your diaper you hold you legs and bottom up off the is the cutest thing ever.  You smile every time you get your diaper changed, you love it!

The other day you laughed out loud for your A. Andrea and A. Kelsie.  I have yet to hear your sweet giggle.


You are getting so little chunker.  At your last doctors appointment you were almost 12 lbs, that is almost double your birth weight.  You have the chubbiest cheeks and everyone in the world likes to tell you that.


Right around 8-9 weeks you started sleeping a lot longer...from about 11 til 5:30 or 6.  Now you are in a routine that you get up sometime between 5:30 and 7:30 for your first feeding.  You however are no longer waking every hour on the hour in the middle of the night crying for your pacifier.  Daddy was great at getting up and giving it to you all night long.  You have a love/hate relationship with your hands while you are sleeping.  You like to the freedom of having your hands free but you cannot stop hitting yourself in the face and you fall asleep so much faster being swaddled.  So for now Daddy and I swaddle you.  You also do not fall asleep on your own and I am a sucker so I do not care holding you until you fall asleep.


Norah loves you so much.  She loves to give you your pacifier when you are crying and talk to you when you have your eyes open.  She cannot wait until you are older so you two can play together.  I hope you two will be best friends!!


We love going places and you are always there right beside us.  When you were 7 weeks old we made a road trip to Oklahoma City to visit family.  You have been to the pool many times, the zoo a couple times, and lots of shopping trips, but normally you are sleeping through it all.


I never want to forget how much you smile and love you hold onto things.  You are already inquisitive.  You know the sound of my voice and you love talking to me when you should be falling asleep.  You will give a sheepish smile through your pacifier then just babble away until your eyes get to heavy.  You stick your tongue out to mimic others when they are doing it to you.  You are so sweet and I cannot wait to see the littler personality you will start to show soon!

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