I apologize a head of time if this post is scattered brained. This week I have been having the hardest times trying to get my thoughts straight so maybe writing them out can make some sense if it all!
The other day I was at the gym...normal day nothing special. I was on the arch trainer, love that machine, truly a butt kicker! When I got off the machine I was so worn out I thought to myself something I have never thought before. "Wow...that must be what it means to beat your body." For some reason on that particular day I felt for a moment at least totally worn out from physically enduring a hard workout.
My mind immediately starting to spin from there and I have been resting in the thoughts surrounding sin. Do I beat my body daily fighting against sin in my life? I know I am not a slave to sin but I am to obedience and if I do not fight against sin what am I am slave of? I know that I am free from sin but I am well aware that there is sin that God wants me to work on...he convicts me of it and I am grateful. But I do not think I am mournful...tired from fighting against that convicted sin. I think I am comfortable in my own sin! I don't want to be comfortable...I want to beat my body against it!! I think God has been showing me what this is like lately, I am thankful but scared. Life is hard but joy is found in a grace-filled life!!!
I leave you with this verse that I read this morning. I found comfort and hope. God is a God that loves us and pursues us and desires to refine us to make us more like Him!! I love that!
::Romans 6:16:17::
"...-whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness. But thanks be to God that though you used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to which you were entrusted. You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness."