Lately...I have been feeling like this dog looks.
I feel like everytime I walk outside lately I have been at the perfect angle for the rain to be spraying right on my face. I cannot stand the constant drizzle of rain dripping on my face. I am not even sure why I even put makeup on anymore. OH SUN...come out come out wherever you are!!
1. NC has been such a joy to be around lately. {Of course I always love to be around her} but lately she has just really livened up. She is soo talkative and soo smart. She can repeat the entire Alphabet and can sing it along with a toy we have. She is learning her colors and loves to explore. Potty training is still something we are working on...but she is really starting to get a hang of it!
She also loves being outside!! The rain is driving her crazy, everyday she says, "rain...ewww yuck!" {haha!} On Sunday we were cleaning our garage out {and making my craft area} and she was outside. All of a sudden it started pouring and she froze!! She didn't know what to do...it was sooo cute!
2. I have been wanting to post this cool project I did for our mom's for mothers day. However, I have been unable to find our cable to upload pictures from our camera. Once I find it...I will show you.
3. School is going well...I am currently in my 7th week of an 11 week quarter! It is time consuming and crazy busy but so far so good! God has truly being blessing me...I have seen him provide in huge ways these weeks and I cling to the fact that I cannot do anything alone...I need Him.
4. I have been loving reading 2 Cor. 5 over and over this week and loving it! You should read it. We are so blessed to have the gift of the Spirit in THIS life and it makes me long more and more for eternity with God.
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