Saturday, January 21, 2012

Week 18

The Week
Week 18
Went to the Dr. this week and I have gained 7 lbs. so far, not bad.

We scheduled the ultrasound for next Thursday the 2nd.
We are going to take Norah. She is thrilled.

ummm....EVERYTHING sounds good to me.
I was flipping through a cooking magazine at my mom's house and I could have made everything in the book...Chicken noodle casserole even sounded good.
I hate casserole!

Leg pains shooting down my right is awesome.

What I love about being pregnant
Talking about the baby with Norah.
Thinking about names.

What Norah is saying
This week Norah said, "mom: when the baby comes I will not be able to play with my leapfrog because I will be too busy taking care of the baby."
We assured her that there will still be time to have fun with her.
She is taking this role of big sister very seriously!

Prayers for the baby
Praying for continued development.
And continually pray this little baby with come to know the Lord.


  1. 1. I love that Norah is old enough t share in this time with you guys!
    2. I love pregnancy updates!
    3. Omg, can you stand waiting any longer to find out the gender?!

  2. This is so exciting Christina! Norah seems so sweet about it. I am craving everything as well. Everything sounds good! We should go "pig out" together. I've had birthday cake everyday this week so it's a good thing I am pregnant!
